Article ID: 000089475 Content Type: Errata Last Reviewed: 02/01/2022

Why does the Interlaken (2nd Generation) Intel® FPGA IP fail to generate an evaluation mode programming file?


  • Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition
  • Interlaken (2nd Generation) Intel® FPGA IP
  • OS Independent family


    Due to a problem in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software version 21.1, the Interlaken (2nd Generation) Intel® FPGA IP doesn't support the Intel® FPGA IP Evaluation Mode for time-limited programming file (.sof) generation.


    To work around this problem, follow the steps below:

    1. Download a copy of uflex_ilk_tx_ext.ocp and uflex_ilk_rx_regroup_n.ocp files
    2. Place a copy of uflex_ilk_tx_ext.ocp under <IP_generation_folder>/altera_uflex_ilk_<xxxx>/synth/uflex_ilk_mac/
    3. Place a copy of uflex_ilk_rx_regroup_n.ocp under <IP_generation_folder>/altera_uflex_ilk_<xxxx>/synth/uflex_ilk_regroup/
    4. Add the lines below to the Intel® Quartus® Prime IP File of your IP variant <IP_generation_folder>/<IP_name>.qip
    5. Recompile your design
    set_global_assignment -library "altera_uflex_ilk_<xxxx>" -name SOURCE_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) "altera_uflex_ilk_<xxxx>/synth/uflex_ilk_mac/uflex_ilk_tx_ext.ocp"]
    set_global_assignment -library "altera_uflex_ilk_<xxxx>" -name SOURCE_FILE [file join $::quartus(qip_path) "altera_uflex_ilk_<xxxx>/synth/uflex_ilk_regroup/uflex_ilk_rx_regroup_n.ocp"]

    * Remember to substitute <xxxx> with the four-digit number that was assigned to your IP variant after IP generation

    This problem is fixed starting with the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software 21.2.

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