AN 770: Partially Reconfiguring a Design on Intel® Arria® 10 SoC Development Board

ID 683345
Date 11/06/2017

Step 8: Running the Partial Reconfiguration Flow Script

To run the partial reconfiguration flow script:

  1. Click Tools > Tcl Scripts. The Tcl Scripts dialog box appears.
  2. Click Add to Project, browse and select the a10_partial_reconfig/flow.tcl.
  3. Select the a10_partial_reconfig/flow.tcl in the Libraries pane, and click Run.
    This script runs the synthesis for the three personas. Intel® Quartus® Prime generates a SRAM Object File (.sof), a Partial-Masked SRAM Object File (.pmsf), and a Raw Binary File (.rbf) for each of the personas.
Note: To run the script from the Intel® Quartus® Prime command shell, type the following command:
quartus_sh -t a10_partial_reconfig/flow.tcl -setup_script \