Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683364
Date 12/15/2018
Document Table of Contents

1.6.3. Changing a Conduit to a Reset

  1. In the IP Catalog search box, locate IOPLL Intel FPGA IP and double-click to add the component to your system.
  2. In the System View tab, select the PLL component.
  3. Click View > Component Instantiation and open the Component Instantiation tab for the selected component.
  4. In the Signals & Interfaces tab, select the locked conduit interface.
  5. Change the Type from Conduit to Reset Input, and the Synchronous edges from Deassert to None.
  6. Select the locked [1] signal below the locked interface.
  7. Change the Signal Type from export to reset_n. Change the Direction from output to input.
  8. Click Apply.

The conduit interface changes to reset for the instantiated PLL component.

Figure 22. Changing Conduit to a Reset