AN 821: Interface Planning for Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGAs

ID 683307
Date 12/15/2017

1.3.7. Step 7: Apply Plan Constraints

Follow these steps to apply the Interface Planner constraints to the FPGA_TOP project:
  1. In the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software, close the FPGA_TOP project.
  2. Open a command shell and type the following command in the FGPA_TOP project directory. The Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition executable must be in your PATH to run this command.
    quartus_sh -t FPGA_TOP.pdp_assignments.tcl
  3. Reopen the FPGA_TOP project in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software. The project now contains the constraints that pdp_assignments.tcl defines.
  4. To run synthesis and apply the interface plan, click Analysis & Synthesis on the Compilation Dashboard.
  5. To run full compilation, click Compile Design on the Compilation Dashboard.
  6. Following compilation, click Assignments > Pin Planner to view placement results and complete the design floorplan.
    Figure 21. Full Design Floorplan in Pin Planner
By following the guidelines this application note describes, you can modify the FPGA_TOP design example to create a pinout that suits your systems and requirements.