Qsys System Design Tutorial

ID 683378
Date 5/04/2015
Document Table of Contents

1.4.1. Create a Data Pattern Generator Qsys System

The data pattern generator includes two components to generate test patterns, and a third component to multiplex the data that a processor controls. You configure the pattern generator to match the width of the memory interface. Because the data pattern generator provides a full word of data every clock cycle, configuring the components to match the memory width provides sufficient bandwidth to access the memory.
Note: As you add components and make connections in your Qsys system, error and warning messages appear in the Qsys Messages tab, indicating steps that you must perform before the system is complete. Some error messages appear between steps and are not resolved immediately; as you progress through the tutorial, errors are resolved, and the error messages disappear.

You must use the exact system names described in this tutorial in order for the provided scripts to function correctly.