AN 919: Improving Quality of Results with Design Assistant

ID 683369
Date 4/26/2024

Timing Closure Rules

Run on the planned snapshot and detect paths with extreme negative slacks. The rules catch any SDC issues that create excessive timing requirements as early as possible.
Look at these rules to save a lot of compilation time on seeds that never pass timing.
  • TMC-20001 – Timing Paths with Hold Slack Exceeding threshold
  • TMC-20002 – Timing Paths with Removal Slack exceeding threshold
  • TMC-20004 – Timing Paths with Setup Slack exceeding Threshold
  • TMC-20005 – Timing Paths with Recovery Slack Exceeding Threshold
Table 1.  High-Priority Timing Closure RulesDesign Assistant runs these timing closure rules on the final netlist, which helps identify incorrect SDC assignments, latches, or combinational loops in the design. These rules are in timing analyzer under Report DRC.
Rule Description Possible course of action
TMC-20022 Incomplete I/O delay assignment Add the missing options to the delay assignment or modify the clock source
TMC-20019 Partial multicycle assignment Verify that each setup multicycle assignment has a corresponding hold multicycle assignment and vice versa
TMC-20016 Invalid reference pin Modify the -reference_pin option of the delay assignment to be the direct fan-out of the clock that you specify in the same assignment
TMC-20015 Inconsistent min/max delay

Modify the delay values to ensure that the min delay does not exceed the max delay
TMC-20014 Partial output delay Verify that output delays have the rise-min, fall-min, rise-max, and fall-max specification
TMC-20013 Partial input delay Verify that input delays have the rise-min, fall-min, rise-max, and fall-max specification
TMC-20012 Missing output delay Verify that every output port has an output delay assignment
TMC-20011 Missing input delay Verify that every input port has an input delay assignment
TMC-20052 Checks for inferred latches in synthesis Remove any unintended inferred latches from the design
TMC-20018 Latches detected Remove any unintended inferred latches from the design
TMC-20017 Loops detected Remove the loops for your design.