Embedded Design Handbook

ID 683689
Date 8/28/2023
Document Table of Contents Compiling using the Intel® Quartus® Prime

  1. Click on Project>Add/Remove Files to include the Platform Designer (Standard) generated .qip file. Set this .qip file as the top level file in your project.
  2. Click on Processing>Start>Start Analysis and Synthesis.
  3. Click on Assignments>Pin Planner to assign the pin location based on the Intel® MAX® 10 schematic for this design:
    • reset to PIN_D9
    • clk to PIN_M9
    • LED[3] to PIN_AA21
    • LED[2] to PIN_U21
    • LED[1] to PIN_U22
    • LED[0] to PIN_T20
    Close the pin planner.
  4. Perform full compilation for your design.